Just in time for summer! Beat the heat and chill by the pool with Kallita!


With some insane temperatures and humidity hitting So Cal the past few weeks, what better way to cool down than to hit the pool and hang out with a few inflatable animals?

A little bit of backstory – we had originally done this shoot with Kallita last year at the end of September, so we figured it would make more sense to wait and post the shoot during actual summer months. Unfortunately, we are sometimes bad at communicating and forgot to tell Kallita about our plans… sorry Kallita! We hope you’ll forgive us and we still love you!

We first met Kallita at Spocom, where we were drawn to her unique look and sweet dance moves (which you can see here- shameless plug: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veX7_enuBP0). From there we asked if she’d be interested in doing a shoot with our humble site.

The concept of this shoot was originally to find a good way to make use of a swimsuit we saw online with the wording “BAE WATCH,” which we found to be pretty witty at the time (hey, people still used the word “bae” back then!). To tie it in with a summer theme, we came up with the idea of using props that would remind people of summertime as a kid – inflatable pools and animals, water guns, and ice cream in a backyard – but of course with a little bit of sexiness sprinkled in. We were a little afraid that Kallita wouldn’t find the concept interesting (since we figure most models want to project a certain image all the time), but luckily she liked the idea, so we were all set to go!












Normally, this is where we start our interview, but we haven’t been able to get back in touch yet, so we’ll fill this space with what we know about Kallita based on our experience with her!

As one of our first usual interview questions, you’d be interested to know that Kallita is a hapa, with her Asian half being Vietnamese, which of course explains where her good looks come from.

Shooting with Kallita was a blast – her easy going nature made the shoot seem more like hanging out than strictly doing work. Also a special shout out to her bf Jesse (sorry guys, she ain’t single!), who also doubled as one of the best assistants we’ve ever had.

Throughout the shoot we got to learn about her son, whom she named “Ryu,” which is all sorts of awesome. We hope that he grows up to become the world’s strongest Shotokan warrior, throwing fireballs and dragon punching the crap out of everybody.

For the gear heads out there, we also learned that Kallita has actual interests in cars themselves, and is part of the FT-86 community. Which is cool, but we all know that S2000’s and EVO’s are the best cars ever made. Not that we’re biased or anything… haha kidding!

















Anyway, we think we’ve managed to fill up a decent amount of white space (and hopefully we’ll have the interview coming soon), and we all know you’re really just here to check out the pictures! So we now free you from the bonds of typed words and onto the gallery!

Thanks again to Kallita, for being willing to shoot with us, and we hope we did you justice! To our readers out there, we hope you enjoy the shoot concept as much as we enjoyed making it.

If you’d like to give Kallita some love, you can follow her on Instagram: @calikallita




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